패션일러스트레이터 & 타투 아티스트 키키입니다.
활동 분야
일러스트, 만화,타투,웹 툰,디자인
*광고일러스트-엘지텔레콤 4계절스킨 및 배경작업,단행본("쇼핑을 디자인하라 "쇼호스트 김선희저),대림산업 홈페이지 메인 일러스트(봄,가을),대림e편한세상 전단광고일러스트,명지대리플렛,장형기업브로셔,기아자동차 소울dm일러스트,롯데홈쇼핑,gs백화점전단,gnb영어스토리북,ebs교재,두산동아,메드포갈릭메뉴일러스트,테마파크조감도,웰시티브로셔,sk캘린더등
*사보일러스트-sh공사,남부발전,서울의회,kt,뷰티메이트,cj gls,한국항공,혜인,그린피아,삼성생명등
*웹툰<그녀의 첫사랑><Honey><MylifeMystory><닥터메드><비바체라이프><엘 다이어리(엘지텔레콤)완료>*이모티콘제작-라인크리에이터스 마켓,카카오톡,네이버밴드(예정),싸이월드 선물가게(예정)수상
상상마당 1분기우수작가선정
드림미즈 pr공모전수상
06부산락페스티벌 포스터 입상
라이브바이티셔츠 공모전 금상
쟈뎅mcafe공모전 우수상
2009,2010 일러스트부문 네이버파워블로그 선정
2010 싸이월드 오픈스킨선정
2011 콘텐츠진흥원 아이디어 상업화지원 캐릭터부문 선정
2011-2012 캐릭터페어 전시
2011 32 Highly Classified Korean Illustrators-한국의 일러스트레이터32인 선정
현 키키일러스트kikiillust.com대표,게티이미지cp,아트커버cp,올리브벽지cp,웹툰연재
Fashion illustrator & Tattoo artist Kiki.
Illustration, comics, Web, Thun, web design.
* ad illeoseuteu elji Telecom four seasons, skin and background tasks, the main illustration book ("design shop." such as a show host Kim Sun Hee low), Daelim Industrial's website (Spring and Fall.), Daerim Myeongji proxy gives, Kia corporate brochure, Kia Soul e comfortable leading edge of the world advertising, illeoseuteu dm with illustration, Lotte Home Shopping, Doosan Shear, Doosan English story book, Doosan textbooks and Doosan Dong-A Co., Ltd, a department store Med brochure for Gallic menu illustration, theme parks, a bird's-eye view, welsiti, calendar sk and so on.
* An illustration of the newspaper - sh, Southern Power, the Seoul parliament, South Korea Beauty mate and Samsung Life, Hae In Corporation, Samsung, Samsung Life Insurance Co. and Korea,
* * * * * * * a wing cover - Venus, the Tigers keoseu, yoga books.
Her first love * * * * * They < > < honey > < mylifemystory > < Dr. Med > < Life vivace > < > The (elji Telecom Co., Ltd) process
,Similar to those * * * * * * * - line (scheduled) gift shop, Kakao Talk, Naver band (scheduled) and CyWorld enable market keurieiteoseu
the prime minister
Granular live rock festival poster, Busan,
06 Prime Minister the first quarter of imagination ' good
a writer named Dream the competition, Ms.
pr by T-shirt contest T-shirt
contest a gold teak daesangjya
in September. Daim mcafe contest Naver
Selection 2010 Power blog about it, Cyworld, an open skin illustration
category the 2011 Creative Content Agency Excellence Award 2009
and 2010 sector supporting character for commercial idea.
2011 - 2012 display fair, 2011
32 characters highly classified korean illustrators - an illustrator and 32 of Korea.
Kiki illustration kikiillust.com representative, Getty images serially Webtoons cp, wallpaper cp, Art, covers cp
82 10 7157 8628
Illustration, comics, Web, Thun, web design.
* ad illeoseuteu elji Telecom four seasons, skin and background tasks, the main illustration book ("design shop." such as a show host Kim Sun Hee low), Daelim Industrial's website (Spring and Fall.), Daerim Myeongji proxy gives, Kia corporate brochure, Kia Soul e comfortable leading edge of the world advertising, illeoseuteu dm with illustration, Lotte Home Shopping, Doosan Shear, Doosan English story book, Doosan textbooks and Doosan Dong-A Co., Ltd, a department store Med brochure for Gallic menu illustration, theme parks, a bird's-eye view, welsiti, calendar sk and so on.
* An illustration of the newspaper - sh, Southern Power, the Seoul parliament, South Korea Beauty mate and Samsung Life, Hae In Corporation, Samsung, Samsung Life Insurance Co. and Korea,
* * * * * * * a wing cover - Venus, the Tigers keoseu, yoga books.
Her first love * * * * * They < > < honey > < mylifemystory > < Dr. Med > < Life vivace > < > The (elji Telecom Co., Ltd) process
,Similar to those * * * * * * * - line (scheduled) gift shop, Kakao Talk, Naver band (scheduled) and CyWorld enable market keurieiteoseu
the prime minister
Granular live rock festival poster, Busan,
06 Prime Minister the first quarter of imagination ' good
a writer named Dream the competition, Ms.
pr by T-shirt contest T-shirt
contest a gold teak daesangjya
in September. Daim mcafe contest Naver
Selection 2010 Power blog about it, Cyworld, an open skin illustration
category the 2011 Creative Content Agency Excellence Award 2009
and 2010 sector supporting character for commercial idea.
2011 - 2012 display fair, 2011
32 characters highly classified korean illustrators - an illustrator and 32 of Korea.
Kiki illustration kikiillust.com representative, Getty images serially Webtoons cp, wallpaper cp, Art, covers cp
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