Kiki artwork 08 Fashion Illustration -shopping girl 패션일러스트-shopping girl

Fashion Illustration -shopping girl

09/19/2008 12:16
Deungchon-dong shopping mall exterior wall painting (9.5 * 6m) - Nature Networks
I draw a lot of women shopping.
But jeongjak myself mothada not.
Indah always thirsty and suffering to the day.
As the case in secret sometime this rustic dont dream and achieve.

패션일러스트,일러스트 화실,취미미술,성인미술,
그래픽,디지탈 아트,페인팅,디자인,예쁜,캐릭터,
사람 일러스트,여자 일러스트,일러스트 작가
광주 일러스트 ,학원,그리기,그림,강좌,그리는법
웹툰,카툰,웹툰 작가,코믹,만화,웹툰 그리기,

digital,illustration,fashion illustration,drawing,design
comic, web toon,cartoon,web cartoon,web comic

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